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Total Questions: The quiz consists of 10 questions.
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Which of the following technologies is used in Adobe Commerce to handle asynchronous processing and message queuing?
How does Adobe Commerce achieve horizontal scalability in its cloud architecture?
What is the purpose of the Varnish cache in Adobe Commerce?
What is the role of the ece-tools package in Adobe Commerce Cloud's environment workflow?
Which of the following is a primary advantage of using Adobe Commerce Cloud's CI/CD pipeline?
What is the role of the build and deploy hooks in Adobe Commerce Cloud?
Which file in Adobe Commerce Cloud contains the configuration for managing services like Redis, Elasticsearch, and RabbitMQ?
How does Fastly handle cache purging in Magento 2?
How do you verify that Fastly is correctly configured and functioning with Magento 2?
After updating cloud variables in the Magento UI, what must be done to apply these changes?